data lake einrichten

June 08, 2024


What have we at Willis Graciano Wirken - ICT & Estate done so far?

Since 2012, we have been able to create in various industries. We have successfully completed the majority of projects in highly regulated industries: Finance such as insurance companies, stock exchanges, banks and state-related companies such as energy suppliers, energy grids as well as technology smart meters, automotive telematics.
We completed some projects in service industries such as property management, marketing, architects and start-ups.

Specifically, we developed a prototype
SQL database infrastructure for a Swiss energy service provider (Repoer AG) in 2023, which recorded live data from smart meters. In 2021, we designed and built a data warehouse for a partner insurer (Helvetia Insurance Switzerland) in the Microsoft world (CSV, Excel, Access, Azure Datalake, Power BI), in which we merged, migrated and analysed data for the first time using 150 self-developed local interfaces. For several years until 2019, we successfully played a leading role in building Debeka's Solvency II model. The Deutsche Börse subsidiary ECC in Leipzig successfully introduced a new product into the world of data and trading with us in 2022. In 2024, Acolad Group successfully analysed its data with us. Thyssen Krupp successfully carried out exchange rate transactions with our manpower in 2012 and hedged them plausibly. In 2012, we successfully provided all levels of support in the trading room of Bayerische Landesbank.

In the property sector, we worked with Apleona Schweiz AG to develop an MS Azure data model in 2024 and successfully migrated all data from PostGreSQL and SSMS data warehouses.

We at Willis Graciano Wirken - ICT & Estate look forward to hearing from you.